
Getting to Know You

I like to ask T. these questions every once in a while just to see how his tastes change over time. It is funny how some answers remain the same while others are constantly changing. So, here it goes....

  1. What are you good at doing? Writing and math work; Well actually I am good at everything, mama. (Nice to know that we don't seem to have a self-esteem problem!)
  2. If you had ten dollars, how would you spend it? I would buy a Bakugan toy.
  3. What are you afraid of? NOTHING
  4. Who are your friends? Erik, Niesh, Tatum, Kylie, Nathan, Gloria, Jaslin, Hayley, & Te`a
  5. What is important to you? Doing homework (This one is news to me!)
  6. What is your favorite food? Chicken leg
  7. What is your favorite thing about school? Math work
  8. What is your favorite toy? Bakugan
  9. How do you show your family you love them? Hug'em
  10. What do you want to be when you grow up? A fighter pilot
  11. What are you thankful for? My teachers, mom, and dad
  12. What is your favorite color? Blue and red
  13. What is your favorite song? The Kindergarten class (watch video to learn the song)
  14. What if your favorite tv show or movie? Spongebob Squarepants, Top Gun
  15. What do you love about summer? Swimming and throwing water balloons, riding in the boat and on the jet ski.
  16. What is your favorite book or story? Jack and the Beanstock


Buffy said...

I am cracking up! How funny is that! He is ready for Kindergarten!!! I so wish he would have been at Pink-listening to him sing the calendar songs would have made my day!