
Field Day 2008

Tucker had a great time at his school's field day on Thursday. It did seem a little early in the year to have field day, but the weather was nice and cool! Our class rotated through different stations, such as:

  1. Football toss
  2. Basketball throw
  3. Bubble fun
  4. Pumpkin Roll Relay
  5. Tennis ball on a string toss
  6. Laundry Clothesline Relay
  7. Hula Hoop Contest
  8. Potato Sack Race
  9. Belly Bumpers

There is really nothing like watching 19 kindergarteners experience an organize field day for the first time. They seemed to have the most fun at the bubble station. Wow, they were laughing and running around and it was hilarious watching them. You would have really thought that they had never played with bubbles before! Every game was even better than the one before. It was fun for me to watch Tucker interact with his classmates and see who are his friends. I was really glad that I was able to be there to cheer him on in Field Day!


Shelley said...

Funny!! WOn't be long and Landon will be having Field Day. Scary.

Glad you got to go see it!